Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Picasa Problems.

I have been having problems with Google and Picasa.  Normally, I  put my photos in Picasa for back up system.  ...Picasa uploads everything I put in my photos file. Then, when I try to post a photo on my blog, Picasa says.....sorry you've used up your space...what's with that?   Now I must cull and move and delete in order to be able to post on my blog.
The photo above is a bush blooming here
in Florida.  It is called Golden Rod Bush
for lack of a better name, so the lady who
owns it said.  She didn't know the proper name for it, but she had had no luck growing it in Atlanta which isn't too too far away from the Gulf coast.  It is absolutely beautiful and so yellow.
The problems with blogger is  that I cannot also post in paragraph...yuck.  Anyway the little critter on the beach is a shark egg casing.  Because of the surge of the sea this week, we saw hundreds of these on the beach.   I looked it up on the web and found that these little Ray looking things are the remains of shark eggs.  
Some shark species lay eggs, while others give live birth...the lessons we learn these days.
Today, since it is raining and fog surrounds our little abode here, it is Missouri Star Quilt shops free shipping within the US, so I think I shall spend some money.
Am still knitting socks, and also decided to do a "prayer shawl" to keep my shoulders warm on cool nights.