I have done everything possible to get on bloglovin but to no avail. Did everyone pay to get a domain that would be recognized I wonder? I just cannot do it! I get an RSS feed and it disappears. Any suggestions?
Then, of course who is seeing the blog if everyone has gone to bloglovin... yuck!
I have been laid up with my calf strain, although it is getting better. Saw my favourite doctor on the lake today who gave me more advice....stay off it and wear the heal splint he made for me...free of charge too....and he said his advice was that too as he didn't think I would follow it.
I am! I now have the splint attached to my shoe. Walking funny, but it does help.
I went fabric shopping on Thursday, the shop had a 50% sale, but no fabric called my name although I did what the ladies in the photos are doing...I ended up buying batting which was part of the sale. I now have enough for the next couple of years. So I better get sewing.
A tragedy on this lake, for the first time in I think six years we have had a drowning on the lake. A young woman, eighteen years old. Very tragic as she refused help from a couple, who even though they thought she needed it could do no more than offer assistance.
They did call the police as they were very worried about her, but the police did not find her until it was too late. So very sad for us all in such a small community that we are.
We have had the most terrible of springs! Honestly, I do not complain of the weather at the lake, because it doesn't matter, I sew, I do not sit out that much, but for the people that do go out....namely my sweetie, the rain has been awful, but the black flies worse. The last couple of days have been pretty good, and our deck is ready for staining, but the deck must be dry. Of course rain is in the forecast for tomorrow, again.
Our resident robin with the babies is having the time of her life feeding her young and the hummingbirds are getting fat from my feeders and the bugs (black flies) that are here. The dragon flies have arrived too, so those pesky bugs are going to be gone!
I haven't been here for ages due to my body taking one ache after another!
Honestly, the plans in my head have not materialized to the hands working it all out!
I was in the city to get the implant of the tooth done, when the dentist said that that implant would not fit properly, and that I had to go back to the surgeon to have more work done. It has been since November 2011, that I have had the front tooth out, the partial done, the surgery, and here I am 2013, still without perfect teeth!
I hate going to the dentist, palette needles make me whine, cry and basically send my heart racing. It had to be done, so that is where I am now. Healing once again, then the final work done.
Not to be outdone, the legs decided to do their work and pull a calf muscle just as I was getting out of the car on the last sunny day we had eight days ago! I nearly fainted with the pain, and practically had to be carried to the boat!
So, just so I can moan a bit more, the leg swelled, the ankle turned black, (I thought it was the black sock sweating colour) so, I have been resting (R) icing (I) compressing (C) elevated (E) for the past week. Today is day 10, there is an elevated pad in my shoe so that I don't strain it.
This has been a spring gone by, no sunshine, the bugs are horrendous to the point that one cannot emerge from a building without being surrounded by black flies (almost like no seeums) so we stay in the cottage.
Rain has been flowing and it has been very cool.
The good news, we have eight hummingbirds, who are eating like crazy, a robin that is nesting at our cabin (photos to follow when I can go out) the loons are happy with all the fish near our docks and last night we noticed the fireflies out and beaming their lights for us to see from our window.
Feel sorry for me. I have things to do and time is wasting.
The flip flop in the photo is a big hit this year! Mine would say "Bring Whine"...lol