Well yesterday, I put this top together. It's the Walmart fabric plus the black print that I wanted to make larger. However, it's a lap top size and it will be very dramatic when completed

We are heading home for the weekend so I'll shop for backing fabric. I think this has a modern look to it and I may use it in the house in the city.
I am now looking at another quilt top that is partly done and I brought it to the cottage so I may do that next, although Helen has a double irish quilt pattern set up for me.
I'm just a quilting fiend these days I tell you. I am in the groove after a, for me, seemingly long time not making quilts. It feels so good to be moving right along in my plans for what's in my head these days regarding quilting.
I am dreaming of what to do with the Jelly Rolls
that are in the mail. If you have any suggestions
of any you have done let me know. This is a
first for me.
I've posted that I make homemade Pizzas. They are
so very very good and you can make one one day
and make the other to put in the fridge for a
couple of days...And the second is sometimes so
much better I don't know why that is, but it

is so.
I got the recipe from Better Homes recipes last year and I ajusted a couple of things as I used to bake bread years ago in another life, so it was easy to do two or even three pizzas from this recipe.
It also can be made into rolls or bread, whichever you wish.
Here it is remember you can ajust a bit to the
humidity in your area...
1 cup warm water
1 tsp sugar
1 pkg or 1 tbsp yeast plus a bit more if you are using loose yeast. (regular yeast, not bread yeast)
In a bowl add water, stir in sugar till disolved and sprinkle yeast on this. Leave for 5-6 minutes.
3-4 cups all purpose flour (apps)
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp olive oil (or veg oil, but I prefer the olive oil)
1 large egg.
In a large mixing bowl, add egg, salt, olive oil and beat well. Then add yeast mixture to this mixing well.
Add 1 (one) cup flour and beat well.
Add another cup of flour and beat well. It will start to get a bit wonky in mixture and thick.
If your mixer will take it, add a bit more flour and beat again, otherwise.....
Put 1 cup of flour on the counter and pour out the pizza mixture and rub your hands in the flour and start to knead this for 5 minutes. To knead, keep dough moving in one direction for about 2 minutes. I knead this way, with my left hand I pull the dough to the centre as best I can and with my right hand rotate the dough to the left bottom part of the dough to the left. I move left to right so that's how I do it. Keep adding flour so that the dough doesn't stick to your hands and the counter. It will be smooth to the touch when you finish kneading.
While you are doing this, your large bowl should be filled with hot water so that your bowl is warm to put the dough in. Dry with a towel when finished kneading, add some olive oil, enough to coat the dough, top and bottom and sides. (about 1 1/2 tbsp should do it) Cover lightly.
Let rise 1 1/2 hours. Punch down and divide in half or quarters or mini pizzas, whatever size you want. I roll quite thin and this makes two large pizzas, each on a large cookie sheet.
Add your sauces etc, and bake at 375 for about 18-20 minutes. Delicious!
I think it's the egg that just makes this sortof like Pizza Hut dough.
If you have any questions, just ask me, now worries there.