When I awoke this passed Monday morning, which was the last day of our cottage season, the moon was visible at around 6:15 am in the sky. I lay back down in bed to take this photo.
Five minutes later, the moon was gone, the sun was rising in the eastern sky and our closing of our little precious paradise was beginning!
The dogs, were totally confused this day as there

was so much going on...they couldn't figure out
sit, run or just eat! They sat like this for most of the morning....waiting.
They stayed close to me all morning as there usually isn't so much activity going on in the day for them anyway.
We, Bob, Mary, me, with Jerry directing the closing all had so much to do, putting up shutters, making sure all doors and windows were secure, and for Mary and I, setting the cottage in order
for spring opening.
We cleaned out the fridge, gave it a great washing
and literally backed our way out of the cottage
as we checked each room.

We finished around 3pm that afternoon.
All water was turned off, the cottage boarded up completely. Last year for the first time, we heard that there were breakins, or attempted break ins on our little island. So we secured the cottage as best we could.
The day was georgous as only fall days can be anywhere as the trees are in the best of colours.
We often think that it would be nice to have
such colours all season long, but then we would

say that isn't the green trees the best!
So, the last photo is of the colours as we left the lake.
I'm back home getting ready for my hip surgery, so have been very busy all week going to doctor appointments which include sitting and waiting to get all the paper work, xrays etc done for the big day.
Now, of course I decided that losing a bit of weight would be good! Yeah, I had all summer to
do this, but didn't get in the mode till I'm just about ready to go under the knife as it goes.
Another two weeks....can't wait.