What a weekend! As you can see from the photo on the right, the boys were in for a big big dumping. The three of them went flying just as they were coming in to give the girls a ride!
If you look carefully, the blue lifejacket is just over Jeremy who went first into the water....it looks more dangerous than it actually was as they were not going too fast....Lots of screaming going on I tell you.
The girls who are now 17 plus just thought that diving from the raft was the most fun. It's just
what happens when raised for the past ten years
coming to the cottage and making the best of the
weather, no matter what.

The lake was very rough and so the tubing was a wild ride for those that ventured out on the lake. We did have calm weather on Saturday morning so we had the ski lessons done and both the new skiers got up on the first try. It happens when kids are used to coaches giving directions to the sprint canoers...Ryan, who was a friend of our grandson, got up on the first try and looked like a pro, while Brianne, Courtney's friend and her kayak partner was like an old pro. There was huge cheering as they both skied so well.
But that was it.. the wind was too wild for trying
doubles as we had hoped for Sunday morning.
The last photo is of the boys being brave as
boys will be. They just were cheering the wild

ride they had had!
Bob and Mary who had been here for the week left at noon hour with Alex because she lives just
around the corner from them. Kelly took the rest of them home around 5 pm. They ate an early dinner here and were looking forward to an even later bbq at home....Yeah you can't imagine the food we went through over 3 days....the fridge is empty!
My sweetie and I went to bed at 8:30 pm and didn't get up till 8:30 this morning....It was an exhausting weekend I tell you. But memories were made for all the kids.
I had fun!