shopping for quilting stuff. Andrea has four god
children who are in need of some happy quilts.
So we went to look for happy quilts in Huntsville.
Considering the weather we have been having, we decided to take Helen's boat which has a top to keep us dry.
We did buy happy fabrics at Fabricland and Walmart fat quarters to make small quilts. That is Andrea is going to make these quilts. Machine made too instead of hand quilted as her mother does.
I bought some polka dot fabrics which I will post next time. Oh boy I was happy to add these to my small stash here at the cottage.
The photo that you see, is my sweetie working
at the dock and at the end is a pair of brown
ducks that have parked themselves there and are sleeping in the afternoon sun. These two have appeared periodically around our dock and we at first thought someone had been feeding them as they are very friendly. Even the wonder dog doesn't frighten them....He is sleeping too so it's a peaceful afternoon for all of us.
We have almost finished doing all the dock work and the steps to the lift are completed except for the staining that will be done when the weather dries the dock.
We are expecting guests for the weekend and as I have posted, they cook so it's going to be an easy time for me. I have no idea what they cook as we don't know them very well but are excited at bonding with them as a couple.

See this photo on the right? It was taken from the back of a sailboat in the Virgin Islands a few weeks back. The people could not believe that this whale had surfaced and followed the boat for quite a distance. Isn't this just the most amazing thing?
There are hundreds of photos on the web that we see and just cannot imagine the luck some people have to take a once in a lifetime photo. We have a photo that a friend took of the tail of an orca in Newfoundland when they went whale watching in a small zodiac and Carole got a most amazing shot and she said that she was so in awe that it was the only one she took. Before digital too and we cherish the picture. It is about a 20 X 24 size print, so imagine the clarity of it. Today with digital, there probably would be 20 pictures to choose from. In this photo on the right, you can see the back of the transome of the's that close!
The sun has come out this afternoon so my sweetie who has been having withdrawals without the grandkids, has borrowed the children from next door and has taken the girls tubing and I can hear them you think summer has finally arrived for the weekend? I hope so.
Cheers to all and I am taking my wine and going to sit with the ducks by the dock (of the bay as the song goes)