Putting a photo on a blog is so important, but I am down to just a few days here, and other than taking photos of the wind on the lake, which doesn't show up well, I saw this one on the web and thought that it would be a perfect quilt! That is if I could do applique with any sense of accomplishment. It is my struggle with hand work that continues to evade me. But the lady bug in the photo is quietly reflecting on her days. Me too. This summer has been glorious for us here at the cottage. The weather was fabulous, the water warmed early and stayed warm till the middle of September for those hardy souls who wake up and go jump in the lake as their morning constitutional. Not me as I love a warm shower, but do admire those that don't feel the chill of jumping in the water. The mums in the photo are mine. A gift from my daughter when she came for Thanksgiving. It is huge beyond belief. It hasn't completely opened up yet, as we have had so much rain, so little sun, and howling winds. Only about a week or so to go and we will be off the island. Our docks are mostly put away in the cove to protect from harsh winter ice, one is being repaired and that will be that. We are the only people here that I can see. We do have neighbours on the island just next to us who are still here, but they are also leaving next week. The mornings are quite nippy, and a wood stove warms the cottage each day. It means a lot of wood fetching I tell you, but when the sun is out, we feel the warmth in the cottage. I am starting to pack up, so much to do till we head to Panama City Beach area for the winter.
It was Thanksgiving at the lake this passed weekend. Here cottagers must take their floating docks to sheltered bays for the winter to protect them from ice formations. There are about three such places around our island on the north shore. One of our neighbours was moving his docks while a rower was taking advantage of a calm morning to have his final row of the season.
We had a pot luck turkey dinner for our neighbours who were here to close their cottages. It was the easiest Thanksgiving ever. I did the turkey, Kent and Kathleendid the veggies and Helen and Andrea made desserts and set the dinner table for 12.
We had champagne with pomegranate liqueurs before dinner. That was Kent's idea and they were so yummy. The colour of the champagne was burnt orange because of the liqueur colour. We played a few games to end the evening which everyone said that this was now the first annual dinner Thanksgiving pot luck.
I took this photo of the neighbours leaving the lake for the last time this season. Click on the photo and you can see a ninety pound golden retriever become a lap dog! He really does not like boat rides. He did not want to leave the island. I suspect he doesn't like car rides either.
We had a wood pile that went pulpy, was bug infested so could not be used for kindling, so the men of the lake "bonded" yesterday. The chair that my sweetie is sitting on was supposed to go to the fire also, but they decided to share the chair, so it didn't get burned. All is quiet this morning, chilly, a bit windy but they boys are taking a dock to shelter even though. We only have a couple of weeks to go here at the lake. Today we will be the last of the islanders on our little island paradise. The lake had no lights that we could see last night, a sharp contrast to Saturday night when the lake seemed to be lit up.