We are home! This is what the sun room looked like after two days of bringing our "stuff" back, and putting it all in the sun room with the winter storage.
Each year, in the fall we fill the sun room with the patio furniture, bbq, and anything else that is usually outside in the summer months.
It is always a mess in that room.

One day later, with a sore back for both my sweetie and me, we were back to almost normal.
There is a calmness when this room is done. It is sunny (hence sun room) with the green colours making everything peaceful.
We are back! The first night we arrived, we had McCain's Pizza! It was all we could manage after the travel and unloading of goods.

In the morning, I awoke to this! Calm, calm lake, reflections of the other island across from us.
The neighbours to the east of us on the other island arrived about 10 minutes before us. And of course with beautiful weather in the mid 20s C, (mid 70sF), there were many more people on the lake this weekend.
There is a lot of damage to many docks due to the high water this spring on many of the lake in Ontario. We talk of weather, being Canadian and all, but flooding, well we usually leave that to the big river people. So high water means many docks just went floating, lots and lots of logs and debris in the water, so everyone I am sure is coming into their docks with pieces of logs, or whatever to get it off the lake.
The BEST of the best things is that yesterday afternoon, a hummingbird appeared at the feeder which I put out as soon as we got here, This is the earliest, for me at least, that I have seen a hummingbird. A lone male, and very very skittish too, as he would not land on the feeder if I so much as moved an inch. He was so hungry that he landed and drank to his heart's content.
Helen also arrived yesterday with two beautiful quilts! I will post those soon. She had them quilted for her as they were too big for her machine. Lovely, work done by her long arm quilter.
This morning, we are going to take a tour, I must take better shots of the lake with a bigger camera, as it will give you an idea of the beauty of this place.
Quilting works will start tomorrow! Wahoo!!!!!!!!!!!1