Remember that dot fabric I bought? It's here and I laid it out this morning, took a photo and then arranged the rows. Yeah, I had to do it all over again as piling one row on the other just didn't work..
When I started to sew, I couldn't remember how it all went. Stupid me...I then laid it out again, forgetting to take photo of course , but pinned all the squares to each other. Looking really good now.. It's a bit different from what you see, but pretty close. I made an extra black square so that it was all matchey matchey..know what I mean? I am really pleased with the results and even though it's considered easy, I must be challenged somewhere, putting it together wasn't easy. It's 54" wide and 65" long. Somehow, I got an extra row of patterns from the measurements given. I'm sure it happens all the time.
Anyway, I have enough extra cuts to make the back interesting. It's pretty, and that's what I wanted.

See this photo on the left? Well my dears let me tell you of this photo. It Queen Elizabeth with her arm around Michelle...yep, the first lady...Apparently, the queen commented on how tall Michelle was and actually the queen touched Michelle first and then Michelle put her arm around the queen...The press in England is having a field day of this.....No one, I mean NO ONE is supposed to touch the queen! This is an absolute first...and it was the queen. She put her gloved arm around our Michelle (you know the song, ma Belle Michelle etc...) she loved Michelle and did the move of her life...she touched Michelle. It looks like they are posing for a family photo doesn't it. Anyway, the Brits just loved the photo that shook England yesterday!
We are having what is called April Showers, quite heavy in fact and so the sewing goes on. I took the dog for a walk and we were soaked when we returned. He was wet, thought he'd had a bath, and started running all over the house. I got a towel out to dry him and he jumped into the towel and was like a crazy dog....Too funny (Kel). I think dogs do all those crazy things after a bath and Wilson is one crazy dog...(Kel) She says he's the child we never had!
Karen, dear sweet Karen, sent me a lovely book on simple quilt making. Bless her...she knows my level. No hand work for me Karen! Just the sewing of those little squares, triangles and bars. I absolutely love it...Thank you again.
Have a great weekend all. It's almost springtime........