Lots has been happening to everyone on the eastern side of North America and the lovely islands in the Caribbean.
This is a photo I borrowed from the BVI Beacon FB page. If you go to the Beacon on line, they have a FB page with all the devestation that hit the Virgin Islands.
No lives were lost, thankfully, and most damage is able to be repaired, except for trees that took the brunt of the force winds.
My mother would weep at her beautiful little
piece of paradise if she saw the terrible tole it
took on the little village of Cane Garden Bay
where she spent 35 years of her life.
Hopefully, no worse hits the North Carolina
coast. Earl is a terrible storm, and we here
in Ontario will only get the rains and some

My grandchildren who compete in Canoe/Kayak
Sprint racing have come home with meddles.
Grandson has one gold, one silver and two bronze in canoeing. He was very proud of his accomplishments in Regina. This is his first year of really working hard at training and competing as a Midget.
His sister did very well also, with five, yep count them five gold medals, and one silver in kayaking at the Canadian Championships.
I couldn't get them to put them on and display them,
as they are quite humbled by the whole experience.

But as a proud Nana, I'm posting the medals.
I've been busy with company here at the cottage, then home for a few days while above noted granddaughter had her final treatment for the tumor. The doctor was very friendly this time....after having a superior athlete in his presence....(grins here) and was quite animated when we all talked about her being back to see him when she feels it again. Funny about him...I was ready to confront him again but he was as sweet as pie this time. Also everything went so smooth that we were out of there in about 2 hours..
September, my time of year, as it's my birthday month, it's the time of year that I feel a renewal of life. This year, I'm getting a new hip....Hip, Hip, Hip...etc, can hardly wait.
This is also the beginning of the end of life at the cottage, kids are back at school, people start closing their cottages, fewer and fewer lights on at night. We also get fewer visitors, so maybe, just maybe I can get the quilt finished before I head home.