You know it's hard knitting for young adults as style is everything. I also gave Tory a watch which is called a snap watch as it just snaps on the wrist. She is having her 21st birthday so she got the watch too! Loved the colour, and the style too!

We also watch dolphins as you can see from the photo which was a lucky shot as I could not see because of the sun. Lucky me.
Being Canadian, we watch the weather channel. It is in out DNA I swear, no matter where we are! So thankful to have missed all the snow and as you can see from the above photo, some people do like it though! I looked for days at the storms affecting so much of the US and Canada and really was happy to not have to deal with it.

Here in Florida as else where in the world the texting while driving is crazy! There are people here on vacation who are never far from the dreadful things! Honestly, what did we ever do before all of this. I fear we may all grow thumbs and forget how to talk. I shall be the only person who wishes for a landline phone and hope that someone at the other end knows how to talk!
Downton Abbey is in its two hour finally tomorrow night so I shall be glued to the telly, and dressed for the occasion....just kidding, but I will be glued!