This is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. We all get together for a turkey feast, and do actually give thanks for the simple things in life that make us who we are.
Good health is my big thanks this year. My foot is good, no more moans from me regarding that!
The fall colours are in full bloom here in our little island paradise. The tree photo
comes from the Weather network of a
person who really caught the works of
nature around our area.
Our lake is calm after the winds of last weekend, the weather is warm, 20 Celcius, or about 70 F. Who could ask for better weather in October?
I am always thankful for sunshine as our sunroom warms up and I am able to keep at the sewing machine.
Yesterday, I made pot holders. Yeah, yeah, simple mind stuff, but you know what?
My pot holders which I've had for years actually almost disintegrated in my hands in the morning when I made a rhubarb coffee cake.
So, this fabric of tea cups and saucers was perfect because for the life of me, I don't know why I bought it. I couldn't possibly put it into a quilt as it's just not me, except that I loved the colours.
So, I have 16 of these babies made, lined with the proper linings too. I made a couple of large ones, whoa! Too big! More like hot plates than pot holders! Next, downsized, and just about got it right, In the end 8" was the perfect square to cut with a teeny tiny bit cut off the lining to make it fit in the envelope of the tea cups fabric.
Helen, dropped by to see what I was doing and also brought a spaghetti scarf she made, using her daughter's tee shirt....oh well it's going to her anyway. Very cute and so finely done too. I loved the look, but she thought that the fatter one inch cuts were better.
So, dear friends in blog land, finally I thank everyone who pops in, looks, and leaves a comment. It's the making of little loves in my daily life here at the cottage.
Good health is my big thanks this year. My foot is good, no more moans from me regarding that!
The fall colours are in full bloom here in our little island paradise. The tree photo
comes from the Weather network of a

nature around our area.
Our lake is calm after the winds of last weekend, the weather is warm, 20 Celcius, or about 70 F. Who could ask for better weather in October?
I am always thankful for sunshine as our sunroom warms up and I am able to keep at the sewing machine.
My pot holders which I've had for years actually almost disintegrated in my hands in the morning when I made a rhubarb coffee cake.
So, this fabric of tea cups and saucers was perfect because for the life of me, I don't know why I bought it. I couldn't possibly put it into a quilt as it's just not me, except that I loved the colours.
So, I have 16 of these babies made, lined with the proper linings too. I made a couple of large ones, whoa! Too big! More like hot plates than pot holders! Next, downsized, and just about got it right, In the end 8" was the perfect square to cut with a teeny tiny bit cut off the lining to make it fit in the envelope of the tea cups fabric.
Helen, dropped by to see what I was doing and also brought a spaghetti scarf she made, using her daughter's tee shirt....oh well it's going to her anyway. Very cute and so finely done too. I loved the look, but she thought that the fatter one inch cuts were better.
So, dear friends in blog land, finally I thank everyone who pops in, looks, and leaves a comment. It's the making of little loves in my daily life here at the cottage.