Well I am so surprised that they were sold as soon as the people saw them. I had no idea what to charge as I suppose I view my work in a different light than others do.
Not looking for pats on the back here but
I wasn't prepared for the "how much" when
I brought them out.
So, I sold the green flip flop for less than the white one. My friend Helen said that I had charged too little for the white flip flop, so I added when selling the green one.
The white quilt which is the little one on the right I sold for $50.00 now that was properly priced as it is about 36" square.
I think the flip flops is really popular here as everything about the property has some reflection of the shoes. I can see myself having to make a few more for next year.
I looked in etsy this morning and the prices are from Gees Bend (!) pricing to what I consider good to sell prices.
It is difficult to part with works of love, but I did it. I still have my little Maine houses quilt which I didn't show, but I am sure that it will sell when the right people are here.
I am happy with the money as here in Florida, I can get free shipping for all US locations, and there is always Joann's sales. I bought a large cutting mat there for $25.00 with a 60% off coupon. The original mat is cracked. Also bought a new cutter for half price. The fabric prices are not too bad, but there is coupons available online for Joann's all the time and instore sales....I have some fun ahead of me!
Just a little story. Yesterday there was a few of us by the pool, complaining of the weather but still hearty souls having cocktails, when a couple joined us who are from Illinois. The woman was wearing a Notre Dame sweat shirt. I asked how she got it and she said her granddaughter is in first year at ND.
I sent an email to the neighbour's daughter who is there and now.....for the rest of the story.....they are dorm mates! Got a picture and a lovely note from them! Small world indeed.