I got this photo from the Sillyboodilly blog. The photo was on a "wash day" photo file.... It's about washdays here at the cottage, which like my mother before me I like to do the big ones on Monday.
Since we are on septic system here, as so many people who live int he country are, I thought I'd try and do something a bit different for washings as we really can't use bleach in the septic or as
little as possible at least as bleach kills the bacteria

in the system.
Last year a miracle happened! I discovered that
the TV ad regarding Oxiclean is just what it says
it will do and it's relatively safe for the septic.
We have a ten foot umbrella on our deck which
over time went a bit green and gray from mildew
and just plain dirt.
So, we thought we'd need to take it to the
commercial laundry to clean it, but when we
took it down, we discovered it was light and
fit into the washer very easily. I put about
half a cup of the Oxiclean, let it soak about
two hours with a cup of Tide. Let me tell you

that that umbrella came out like new.
I am totally hooked on Oxiclean. Whites are
whiter and the stain remover is awesome too.
Now, Tide has been a different matter. In my previous home we had a front loader. I used any detergent that was on sale and liquid which was so much easier to use.
Well, the front loader stank to high heaven, so what to do. I read that Tide...more expensive too...granuals...in a box...would eliminate all the oders. It did and I also used less than required as we had a water softener. The water here at the lake is also soft....so less soap, and of course the mighty Oxiclean in whites...
It takes out mustard stains too, which I learned from not spreading mustard neatly on a sandwich....yeah all over my Tee shirt...out with Oxiclean.
I read that Tide was first advertised in 1949...Proctor and Gamble advertised it on the Red Skelton show...remember that?
So, today is washday, my clothes are blowing in a wonderful breeze that we have today, very little humidity so how good is that?
I love summer.