Well our second annual pot luck supper went off without a hitch once again.
This little package of goodies was provided by the "Prydes" with enough packages for each of the families in attendance. It's a "Christmas in July" gift. Mary, my co hostess distributed the packages
to each family as they were leaving. Everyone thought it was so cool.
Considering that Pauline's husband damaged his knee in the morning and wasn't able to attend, however Pauline, the maker of it all did come to have drinks.
The count this year was 69
so that says it all. Everyone
brought wonderful foods and
the tables were overflowing which as it should be.
The table photo which is empty in the photo was so full, unfortunately so much was happening that I didn't get a good photo of the feast.
My sweetie wore his Jam's shirt. I think next year we may do a contest for the loudest shirt which his was.
But that's not what we do. We do hats!
This year the hat was a
fastinator won by Evelyn
which was the fastinator of
all fastinators!
It was a no contest! She won the helmet that the winner from last year presented her with instructions that it must be displayed in a prominent place at her cottage.
As you can see, there were a lot of people in attendance which made for great conversations.
The party was over by about 8:30 when all boats departed to see the fireworks. The fireworks display was fabulous with about 40 minutes of non stop action.
The highlight for me of the day was seeing about 350 boats bobbing in the water, with all the families awaiting the booms of the spectacle. Then when it was over the lights of all the boats turning and heading for home...just a wonderful day.
This little package of goodies was provided by the "Prydes" with enough packages for each of the families in attendance. It's a "Christmas in July" gift. Mary, my co hostess distributed the packages
Considering that Pauline's husband damaged his knee in the morning and wasn't able to attend, however Pauline, the maker of it all did come to have drinks.
so that says it all. Everyone
brought wonderful foods and
the tables were overflowing which as it should be.
The table photo which is empty in the photo was so full, unfortunately so much was happening that I didn't get a good photo of the feast.
But that's not what we do. We do hats!
This year the hat was a
fastinator won by Evelyn
all fastinators!
It was a no contest! She won the helmet that the winner from last year presented her with instructions that it must be displayed in a prominent place at her cottage.
The party was over by about 8:30 when all boats departed to see the fireworks. The fireworks display was fabulous with about 40 minutes of non stop action.
The highlight for me of the day was seeing about 350 boats bobbing in the water, with all the families awaiting the booms of the spectacle. Then when it was over the lights of all the boats turning and heading for home...just a wonderful day.