The autopsies which are required for these soldiers who bravely served in the Afgan war are done in Toronto.

This, we hope has helped the families who follow the procession to know that the fallen are recognized for their effort in the war.
This week, as we were looking for properties in the Trenton area we came upon such a sad happening. At Cobourg, which is about a half hour from Trenton, we were entering the highway, we glimpsed about 150 people on this small overpass most with flags, just standing quietly, cars haulted, the hearse and its procession of cars moved west towards Toronto.
We were now behind the procession, no cars pass the hearse or the limos of the family that follows its son, father, husband. Every overpass we came to was covered with people and the firetrucks. At Oshawa there was an engine!The engine had the biggest flag, and about 50 people were standing there.
It's the least we can do isn't it?