We arrived back at our cottage on Wednesday afternoon. The sky was blue, the lake calm, and all was right with the world.
After we had unpacked umpteen bags, bins, and various other needs for the cottage, we lit the fire to get the place warmed up after the long winter season.

The wood stove is such a fabulous little
item for getting heat moving in quickly. I had left all the fixings for the spring start of this gem and just lit a match to get it started.
Within a half hour the cottage had coziness all over it. The living room was full of cartons, more bins, and various outdoor paraphernalia left from fall closing so that it was looking mighty messy.

We moved most of it to the hall (3 X 5), left it and proceeded to take ourselves to the dock, sit and enjoy the lake in the late afternoon.
This is the earliest we have returned to the "in residence" mode. We spent a week at our friends, Bob and Mary's place, organized the plan for opening, so it was decided that the guys would go to the lake, take down shutters, and put some semblance of order to the cottage.
Perfect! Our boat which has a new weather
protection visor on it was perfect for being out on the lake in April...Brrrrrrr! At times it is quite chilly, but I had the pleasure of sitting up front with my back to the wind, midst all the bags etc. The dog was cozy too, under an old jacket as he doesn't like the wind.
So, here we are, the place is starting to look lived in again. There is no sign (so far ) of the pesky bear. The dog is dirty from hunting mice at the wood pile. And on the weekend, Bob and Mary will arrive, as will Helen and her sweetie to open their cottage.
South about 120 miles, is our grand son in spring training mode.
He is out on the water doing his passion and not feeling chilly at all.
Bring on the spring sunshine for the weekend! Can't wait.
It's my favourite thing for Friday! The cottage.
After we had unpacked umpteen bags, bins, and various other needs for the cottage, we lit the fire to get the place warmed up after the long winter season.
The wood stove is such a fabulous little
item for getting heat moving in quickly. I had left all the fixings for the spring start of this gem and just lit a match to get it started.
Within a half hour the cottage had coziness all over it. The living room was full of cartons, more bins, and various outdoor paraphernalia left from fall closing so that it was looking mighty messy.
We moved most of it to the hall (3 X 5), left it and proceeded to take ourselves to the dock, sit and enjoy the lake in the late afternoon.
This is the earliest we have returned to the "in residence" mode. We spent a week at our friends, Bob and Mary's place, organized the plan for opening, so it was decided that the guys would go to the lake, take down shutters, and put some semblance of order to the cottage.
Perfect! Our boat which has a new weather
protection visor on it was perfect for being out on the lake in April...Brrrrrrr! At times it is quite chilly, but I had the pleasure of sitting up front with my back to the wind, midst all the bags etc. The dog was cozy too, under an old jacket as he doesn't like the wind.
So, here we are, the place is starting to look lived in again. There is no sign (so far ) of the pesky bear. The dog is dirty from hunting mice at the wood pile. And on the weekend, Bob and Mary will arrive, as will Helen and her sweetie to open their cottage.

He is out on the water doing his passion and not feeling chilly at all.
Bring on the spring sunshine for the weekend! Can't wait.
It's my favourite thing for Friday! The cottage.