Well this is a new one for me, Lisa at Cranberry Flats has tagged me which means I must come up with 7 books that I've read that are "different".
I don't know if I know 7, but here is one.
"Stealing Lillian" sort of like a comedy of errors book about a little girl who is kidnapped and then the kidnappers offer money to get her parents to take her back. The book is absolutely ancient and out of print, but my mother gave it to Jerry to keep. It's priceless.
"Armegedon" about the end of second world war when the alies are taking possession of Berlin. Seen through the eyes of an American Army Officer. It give insite into the European occupation in 1945.
"The Lovely Bones" I consider this little book as one of the saddest I've ever read and my granddaughter Tory who is an avid reader suggested this. I cried all the way through it. It's going to be made into a movie which will come out next year.

"Ireland With a Fridge" about a bloke who, on a drunken night accepts a bet to go about Ireland with a fridge on his back...funny.
"The Devil wears Prada" not much like the movie, funny and biting about the world of fashion and it's cutthroating at its best.
"Any book by Margaret Atwood" so strange that I cannot finish them. She is Canadian writer, and always gets nominated for her books, but I find them so awful, I can't ever finish them. So there, hope this counts.
"The Army" written by my son Martin when he was about 12 yrs old and it was a short story that I typed for his english project. Totally captivating, and it was about how ants work together and the day they made a bridge to cross a river, which at the end was a little stream about 3 " wide. So good a composition that I remember it.
Whew, on to number 6.
"The Camel Club" David Baldacci wrote this and it was the first of his books I had read, now of course I have read all his books, totally captivating and one of the best thriller writers.
"Forty Words" by Giles Blunt, who is Canadian author, writes about a fictional town up northern Ontario and has a recurring character in his detective thriller books.
I hope this is what is supposed to be written in the "Tagged" blogger series. I don't know if they are supposed to be really weird, or just "different" styles of readings.
I suppose all of us have read "Gone With the Wind" which stands up today as it did when written. My daughter went to see the movie when she was 12, didn't know Clark Gable and thought the author must have written the book with him in mind, because when she read the book that was how she pictured Rhett Butler...I always remember that.