Needless to say, lots of problems with the computer, but with a new hard drive, at 40 mgbites I'm running on full throttle once again!
I think that as I'm writing this post that I'm still having a problem downloading photos, but that may be the blogger site too.
This weekend my daughter is bringing up the kids who ski! We can't wait! There will be doubles and tripples on the lake, which is today very calm , so I'm off to the dock to have my coffee.
You know that as I was driving back from the city there are signs of fall all over the place! My sweetie said not to say a word...but the signs are there for all of us as the trees and the flowers in my garden are starting to dry

eyed susans are in full bloom. They are the last of the perennials that bloom for me.
The hummingbirds are very busy with the bee balm still which makes me happy to see. In about two weeks, the hummers will be gone...imagine.
The quilt top is one of Helen's little creations! She has made more quilts than me this summer!
I can't believe it! I also took a photo of her little cottage studio which I shall post soon.
What did I ever do without a computer? When it crashed, I lost all emails, all photos, all recipes that I had saved. Now most of the photos are on disks, but it was a lesson learned...back up all documents in the future.
Have a great weekend...I'm happy to be back