I haven't made strippy quilts in ages. They are great for kids quilts and when one is in a hurry to get it done! I have a few little ones in need of something bright and cheery little blankets! I was at Fabricland, where there was a big sale for $5.00 per metre of bright colours, so I bought 2 metres of yellow, orange, navy and the lady bug dots. The others I had in my stash of left overs from other projects. The first two are made from same two inch strips just place differently to give a bit of different effect. The last is the same fabrics, cut differently to give a really busy (I think) but fun quilt for a little guy I know. I am still not sure what I will be doing for the backs, but I will probably piece a couple of fabrics together. Always a problem for me, doing backs. I'm getting better at it though. I cut the strippy on the third photo and reversed the stripes to make it different. I also have some green fabric that might just do the back of this one. I make bread! I like Artisan Bread (the 5 minute recipe one) I usually have dough in the fridge on had so that I never run out.
Well last year, when I got my new Cuisinart food processor, it came with a dough blade. Today, as I write this, I have two loaves rising which are not ready for my blog adventure as yet. The photos on the right are Artisan breads. My sweetie says he like a bit higher loaf than the boules (french for ball) that I usually make, or more the french stick style. So I stuck them in a couple of bread pans. They came up well. Honestly there is nothing like the smells of homemade bread in a kitchen! My little humming birds have finally returned! It has been quite cold here for our spring weather, so it was quite the event when we saw one yesterday, and today my friend Helen thinks she has seen three males. They eat so many bugs, which is hard to believe that 70% of their food is protein, and the other 30% is the sugar water that they seem to gorge on. Only white sugar too please, 4-1 ratio and they love it.
Red and white isn't usually my cup of tea. I am not really a red person, but years ago when I started quilting, there was a blue and white quilt on a magazine cover. I loved it. So of course I bought red fabric, enough to make two really large tops. I had no idea how to quilt them, because you know I just taught myself how to quilt so had no expertise after two quilts how to quilt two of these let alone one. Fast forward about 8 years, and I sandwiched them together, so made a very large almost king size quilt, on my Janome 600 no less. I am pretty pleased with it but not totally in love. So I put it on my sofa in the family room. It really brightens up the room. The table is where I create! That is basically my studio. But what a view! I am beginning my summer season of sewing. I have a couple of tops cut out, and am pretty happy so far.
I love the backs of quilts I think sometimes more than the fronts. I love stripes on the backs. They have become my signatures I think. This quilt shows what is really an awesome stippy thing. This is from Pinterest, but could not get any more re this quilt which I love. But wow! I love it! I am trying not to be messy when I cut fabrics, because you have seen the size of my little "studio", which is pretty hard to do no matter how tidy we try to be. There are scraps all over the floor, but a dust pan does amazing wonders. Are you messy when creating?