The Olympics are always a lot about marketing. Here in Canada, everyone that carried the Olympic torch was met with these mitts. They cost $10.00 Canadian and they are available everywhere. Oprah loves them and gave them out to her audience .
This morning this little item was given to Jimmy Fallen on one of our morning shows. They are just a huge hit
as they are readily available and very affordable.
We aren't usually so flashy, but these mitts...even this
little chick loves them!
about gifts that many athletes receive when visiting
countries, she showed me these two absolutely fabulous little eggs that her sweetie received when a Canadian hockey team visited Russia and he was part of the team support.
Then, since he was going back again, he contacted the woman who makes these, asking her if she needed some
little thing from Canada. So my friend Helen who knits, put together wool, paints, threads, and some clothes
for this woman, who lives very very simply.
painted and probably weigh about 5-6 oz, are actually the size of a goose egg I think.
The workmanship is amazing don't you think? I just can't imagine sitting and doing such detail as this.
It was very hard to photograph due to the size of the art work, but I hope you can click and enjoy.
Thank you Helen for sharing this wonderful little gem!