Friday, March 20, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
This is my little gift from Caron Mosey. Included with this lovely piece of fabric is a card with her quilt,"Ocean Waves" This quilt measure 80 X 97 and contains over 2348 pieced triangles alone. Ok. This is amazing in itself, but having the photo of the quilt done in a card is so cool. Thank you Caron, this is my first gift.
I am going to finish that "victorian blocks" that I started. I, today purchased coordinating fabric to sash the blocks. We shall see.
Since today was bridge day, I didn't do any sewing but over the next few days the weather known as spring is leaving us and rain is forcast for the next few days.
I feel so sad about Natashia Richardson. My goodness, such a young woman and such a freaky accident and I just heard that she has been taken off life support. Her husband Liam Neeson at her side made this decision...so very very sad and my heart goes out to her family. 45 years old is too young to die.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Have you ever done that? They are really pretty you know, but just not the kind of thing I would normally do. I have even put them aside till I decide if I truly want to make something out of it all. The finished square is 12" so it's a fair size and with sashings would make a large enough throw kind of quilt. The only good thing about it is the sashing fabric which is black, that makes the whole thing look good. But it's not somthing that I normally do. I usually put fabric together, look at a few patterns and then start cutting out.
You can see from the photo on the left the block as it would be with the finished look of it. What do you think?
So, have you ever gone totally different in colours, in styles and finishes that make you happy you did it?
Do we follow, say safe and true colours and styles that we are comfortable with that we don't look at anything else, like what I've done? And then, what do I do with this very Victorian looking quilt? Who does Victorian these days?
This past weekend in my part of the world, we had a taste of spring! Ah, you know, the freshness in the air, sunshine, children out without heavy coats, boots and hats, and everyone just so happy for some warm sunshine that we were all so very friendly to even strangers. Yeah, it was great.
Our neighbours invited us for a turkey dinner! Yeah, and no holiday or "nothin" as the kids would say. We had all the fixins and even sat in the dining room too. Mary found the turkey in her freezer and just went with it. It was, needless to say delicious and I didn't have to think of what to make for dinner.
I sometimes just can't think of what to make for dinner. I usually when in doubt, make homemade pizza. I have a yummy dough recipe that I got from BH&G and it actually makes two large pizzas which I make up and put one in the fridge for the next day. Two meals done and I could feed my sweetie pizza every day of the week, he just loves it! Well not everyday, but pretty close. Planning meals is just getting to me I think. It's not that I don't like to cook, but sometimes I just don't feel like it. I am sure everyone does, even Martha and I'm no Martha, close but don't pass out the cigars!