Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Ok, it was a big day, I watched it most of the day. I switched between CBC and CNN then later added ABC. Honestly most of the CBC one was much better talk and I actually hated the CNN stuff about the graphics that John King kept going to to show us over and over again the people, the places etc. But the rest of it was pretty good. Sometimes just too much little bits of too much information.
On ABC, well I love Diane Sawyer anyway and her smooth delivery is always exceptional. George S. was also good, but sometimes they also delivered so much of "too much information" and it sounded a bit like announcers do at ball games....
I thought also that Obama delivered a sober speech after being sworn in and if his daughter thought it was "good job dad" then it was. What can he say....the world economy is in crisis and we must all do our share whether we are Canadian or American or whatever.
On a lighter note, I kept wondering how come Michelle wasn't cold in that lovely outfit. She probably is the type to say that she just doesn't do cold.....And she walked and stood on her feet for soooooo long. Honestly, in heels too. What a woman. All I kept thinking was that my feet would be killing me and she walked up that street like she was just going for a walk.
Oh and I loved Jill Biden in her red, red, coat and simple hair style too. She looks great in red and her ball gown, which I would have posted here had I been able to see one suitable for here, I would have.
Michelle's simple gown is perfect for her. She's a big woman and exudes the self confidence to wear what she wants and all those people that think she should be thinner....oh yeah, just watch and see it coming ......I say leave her alone. She is a woman with curves and she looks GREAT.
To see the faces in the million plus crowds, to hear the joy in their voices, and the hope in their eyes...lets hope that it continues.
Oh! I forgot to mention Linda Johnson the former President's daughter who spoke with Diane Sawyer and Charlie Gibson (good by the way) and told little stories of being in the whitehouse and tales of growing up there for those few years...very poignant. A lovely speaking voice she has too.. 61 years old now and very gracious.
Good for America.
Ok, back to the day after... today is Bridge day and the girls are off to lunch as one of the gals is leaving for 2 months in Florida. It's gotta be better than this, my god the snow...ok all I say now is that it's about 8 weeks till warm weather because it sounds better than 2 months.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


It's not often that I post on Sundays, but today is an exception! Look at the snow! It's been snowing since last night, still coming down. It does look like a wonderland out there, but it's still only 12 F this morning, but supposed to warm up later on today. Still very cold though.

In fact the wonder dog won't be able to go out till we shovel a path for him in the backyard.

See this? That's where he is supposed to go out to. Well it's not going to happen as far as he is concerned. It's 9:15 and I must get dressed and shovel a path for him to do his business.

There is nothing moving in the area and it's so quiet out there. Now this snow isn't heavy! There's just so much of it again. This is the house where Quincey lives and they are usually up and moving early. No sign of them either.

Oh and he got a hair cut. Remember him? He's the puppy that I posted earlier this year at 10 weeks old. Well, we still puppy sit him and he's had his first hair cut. Mary brought him over for us to take a shot of him while he was still neat!

So of course this is a day for doing not much except snow removal. I must get the guy who does this up and at the task. Maybe we'll call the neighbours with the BIG snowblower, bribe them with a great brunch and have a snow fest!
Doesn't that sound like a good idea?
Speaking of fests! I have been on Facebook and posted a whole batch of black and whites that I found in one of my mom's photo boxes. It's quite a collection and all the younger (?) cousins have surfaced and we are all connecting up again. It's quite the thing to see my cousins who are really all younger than me. I am number one! Anyway, some of them have kids that are grown, off to university etc and still some of the second generation of these have kids, just a wonderful lovein that we have had for the past week. I actually talked to a cousin that I hadn't talked to in 30 it's a good thing as my friend Martha would say.