While we await the ice to leave our lake, there has been so little to do in the sense of doing any sewing etc. I am frustrated, but nothing we can do till nature takes its course.
Many areas of Ontario are flooded, and ice is out, but not at our lake, only daily updates that the ice is still there.

I, who has nothing to do, surfed Pinterest and found this lovely little sign. So cute! I should do one for our dock where I put my boat!

so cute was this one. It was called BBQ Season! Oh yeah, we await that for sure.

So I am lazing around like this dog. Life is good at our friends' house which after almost three weeks is pretty good considering that we are seniors, and pretty established in our ways. Still, having our own little space in the "cellar" as my friend Mary calls it, is wonderful with sitting room, private bath, and bed so comfy. Almost like home.
So, we await the thaw! My sweetie says tomorrow, I say the second of May which is my eldest son's birthday.
I have bought a new computer, don't need to share anymore, an Acer, at Walmart, for $348.00 how good was that? And, even though I said that it would never happen to me, a new Iphone which I need a degree today to work, but buttons don't scare me, so I can at least answer the phone and have managed to activate the texting thing...keeping up folks, just keeping up.