Saturday, February 7, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ok, I got some more photos of snow and I think that they were taken in northern Quebec. I don't know why but that's my thoughts from some of the shots.
I can't imagine this amount falling in Ontario even the north part of it, but some parts of Quebec do get humungus amounts and that's my story and I am sticking to it.
I had so many responses to the snow photos that I thought I would post a few more since I am working on a quilt and it's not ready to post as yet.
Imagine having to just throw the snow up over the snow bank and the path to the house is amazing. I do have one of the snow which blocks part of the window in the house. A later posting if possible.
So, for this Friday afternoon, with the temperatures becoming absolutely balmy, we are going into the plus temps by tomorrow and to almost 40 degrees F, and 6 celsius till Tuesday or Wednesday, I'm sure there will be flooding because we have snow everywhere.
Enjoy your weekend.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I feel we have this much snow! Well almost anyway. I received this in an email from a friend. Can't even imagine how it's done, but that is winter snow!
The kids would love it! Very funny too. So for the bloggers in Australia and New Zealand that are complaining of high sweltering heat.......tough is all I can say!
We have had the best couple of days! Sunshine, no wind and just freezing temperatures, It feels like spring, I'm telling you!
Ok, I finished another quilt. It's not very big, but I love the colours in it. I wanted to give it to a friend whose daughter is having a boy in a couple of months, but Jerry is loving this one a lot and sees it on a bed at the cottage. I don't know what I'll do. It has rocket ships on it and is just a young boy's quilt I think. Time enough to think about it though.
I had to take some of the stippling out as I had a dull needle and it was awful. A lesson learned for me. I really like the look of this quilt. I am learning a lot about colours I choose and I know that white is might when it comes to quilting. I also like the look of it.
The back of the quilt is a small checked fabric that looks very green when it's turned over.
I've been tagged by http://michiganquilts.com and am flattered, however I don't know how to add all the things I am supposed to do with it.
Maybe tomorrow I'll try to get it done.