When we left the cottage, we brought my sewing machine, table and a suitcase full of general quilting supplies. I forgot my free motion foot. Now, that limited me to just doing straight walking foot quilting which is not what I like to do.
I did make two baby quilts for two baby boys born to staff here at our little Villas resort.
Very simple "blankets" as they were called by the recipients. Yes, blankets. Of course they are, just called by different names by those of us who sew little pieces of fabric making big
pieces of cloth.
No matter. they loved them. I then made a top. And from there, my projects came to an end, almost. I made pillows, and bags, had fun making them too.
How could I stay indoors when this is my view in the daytime, so sitting on our balcony, or by the hot tub or pool just won the day.
I loved the sunsets from said balcony so you can understand why I didn't do much quilting.
Now, we are down to just a few days, I'm finishing my last pair of socks. Did I tell you I knit this winter? Oh yes, because I can take knitting to any of the sitting areas around here. I think I've knit a dozen pairs of socks, as many hats, and even some cowls. Yes, all have been enjoyed by the recipients too, with a few to spare for gifts.
Everyone loves homemade socks. I tell you, it is one of the best gifts ever.
This is a photo of our cottage taken a couple of weeks ago. It is hard to believe that a year ago the ice was gone, and we were sitting on our deck having lunch.
It was chilly, but the sun was warm and the lake ice was gone.
Not this year. Yesterday people were still snowmobiling on the lake.
It looks very cold, very, very cold, and that is why we are still in Florida.
I really have not done much this winter. A couple of baby quilts like the simple one were done for staff that were having boys.
I bought charm packs from the Missouri Star Quilt Co. along with a bolt of white from Joann's when they had a sale of 50% off. Other than that, I knit socks, knit hats, and even made a couple of baby hats for my friend Mary to experiment with her designs.
The bougainvillea are in full bloom everywhere here now, a true sign of warm weather.
The winter was very cold here, and we had frost for a couple of days, which closed all the bridges here on the Beach. The locals could not remember this cold of a winter for the passed 30 years. The beach froze and there was ice everywhere for a few days. Lots of 40 plus degree days and in Fahrenheit that's cold.
We are in Florida till the 14th, then head to Atlanta for a few days with grandson, then heading back to Canada and hopefully warm spring days. We expect to bunk in with our friends for a week or so at least till the ice is out.
What a winter it has been for everyone in North America and continues even today. Seven inches of snow in some parts yesterday. ?????????????