Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm happy that we are back in the groove of the New Year.

My favourite thing for this day is just looking forward to the weekend. I'm retired so it shouldn't matter should it? But it does.

It means family and friends who aren't are available through the week have time for sharing our lives even for a couple of days.
I look forward to the surprises that happen on the weekends...friends dropping by, an impromptu meeting for brunch, simple pleasures. That's what Fridays are about.


Crispy said...

I'm so envious of those who are retired...two more years and it's my turn LOL. I look forward to the weekends too as it's when I get all the phone calls from home :0)


Barb said...

You are lucky that you have family close by.....

Larri said...

That's a great favorite, Nanci! I love the weekends too. It means more time for me to sew! :o) Happy FTF!

Kirsten's Cooking said...

Hi Nanci - hope you're feeling well and that you had a great holiday!

I love weekends, too! Especially now that it's January and we have nothing going on - your brunch idea sounds fabulous!

Sarcastic Quilter said...

That's a great favorite thing!

Paulette said...

I agree, Fridays are fabulous! Even though I have to work in the afternoon, it's knowing that the weekend is just on the other side. Have a great one!

Michelle said...

Anticipating time with family and friends is a great favorite.

Marg said...

That's a lovely favourite Nanci, that makes weekends sound awesome at your home.

Kirsten said...

What a nice favourite..I also like weekends...I finally get to spend time for myself..

Helsie said...

I' retired too Nanci. Isn't it great!!I must say that I find the weekends are the quiet times around here. We certainly see people when we have them over but I find increasingly it is a family time these days when all our friends are busy with their families -often we are too.
I love to mooch on Sundays and Saturdays are usually taken up with going to the fresh food markets, late breakfasts then chilling out.

Shay said...

I love the relaxed nature of weekends too Nanci. Good things happen on weekends just like the things you posted about. (Impromptu brunch is a particular fave of mine )

Friday is always my favourite day of the week !

Thanks for linking up. Have a great weekend!

thea said...

Great favorite! one of my favorites too!

Rosalyn Manesse said...

By Friday I do feel tired sometimes. But it's my day to get ready for the weekend

Kate said...

Weekends are always a favorite thing at my house.

Micki said...

I'm retired too and I love our weekends, so I totally understand.