Our grandson who is a sprint paddler, which means he goes fast qualified for Canada to go to the Junior World Competition which this year took place in Welland Ontario.
We were there. Their first race
they placed third, which put them straight to the finals.
The grounds in Welland were fabulous! It looked like medieval times with each country, about 70 nations were there getting one of the tents for their athletes. Flags were everywhere and no matter who won, we cheered as this was a big deal for Canada to host. So we showed our good spirit.
Hard to believe, but the little Mexican team drove all the way from Mexico city with their kayaks and canoes and the team did quite well. Very very friendly kids.
Hungary with a population of less than ten million was amazing in their athletes. Imagine a country like this which prides itself on amateur sports and the funding is about three times what we get in North America.
Anyway, we lost our voices from the shouting "Go Canada Go" and the cheering of close races was such fun.
Am now sewing like nobody's business, and tomorrow I am posting quilting stuff!
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