Wednesday, August 12, 2009


At the cottage there is always so much
activity going on with the wild life around

We have a young hawk as seen in this photo
that I took yesterday. He has such a sad cry as he looks for his mother or nest mate. He has been crying for the past few days and we actually did see the mother on the first and second day just following her young but low in the trees and I don't think he saw her.
He is here again this morning. He is probably a red tail hawk which is not a large hawk at all and is usually a very good hunter. So he better get hunting as he will need food soon. It's hard to identify what he is but I did a bit of research and it could be a red tail.
On the other end of the wild life, we have our little brown duck who started out with about fifteen young and has now six and they seem to be doing very well. She is very friendly and has been around our dock for the past couple of years. She has no fear of our wonder dog and he actually stepped back a few steps on the dock when she came visiting yesterday.
Our hummers are going crazy with the feeding from the bee balm (monarda) and at times there are five hummers and about 25 little bees fighting over the flowers. Boy, those hummers sure have an attitude...I think that they even get mad at me when the feeder gets low. I was checking a feeder last week and a male actually landed on my hand! I froze as I couldn't believe that it hadn't realized it was a human hand. It stayed there probably two seconds, but man you can imagine my joy. Males are very timid, but the females are much calmer and don't mind me around their food source.
On calm mornings, the fish jump for the bugs that are on the water. We can see the rings on the water as they get larger and larger. When the lake is super calm these rings are seen in abundance.
The last wild life we have here is a beaver. Yes, forget that this beaver lives on open water, has a very deep lake to contend with, it's here. It has taken down all the service berry bushes, the young maples and I don't know what else around here. It does come at night on the east side of the cottage and of course that's where we sleep and the dog keeps watch over us.
I have a very wonderful and peaceful life here. I am very blessed.


blushing rose said...

Don't you just love watching hawks & hummingbirds ... there is such beauty. TTFN ~Marydon

Sunshine said...

Glad you're having such tranquil days at the lake... and yes, it is awesome to have a bird on your hand. I once stood for an hour concealed behind a tarp hanging down next to a birdfeeder and a chickadee hopped onto my hand eventually. I couldn't believe how light it was - no comparison to the hummingbird of course, but still.


Crispy said...

Oh Nanci I'm so envious!! To actually have a hummingbird land on your hand it even made my heart leap WOW!! I love hawks. We have several that hang out around our town. I can always tell if they are hunting because the robins get real still and hunker down in the grass. Bob always calls them eagles LOL. We do have a couple of bald eagles that live by Bismarck on the Missouri River.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like a wonderful peaceful time! I love watching the birds and animals too.

Rosalyn Manesse said...

We have hawks around here where I live and that one in the photo looks fine to me. They cruise around looking for rabbits and other little animals. And don't worry about it looking for some bird, as those birds of prey have better eyesight than humans. I love those photos that you post, I almost feel like I'm out in the country with you!

Trish said...

I'm relaxing already just reading this. It would be so awesome to have a hummingbird land on your hand. Wow. thanks for sharing!

Jennifer said...

It's wonderful to have wildlife in your little patch of heaven!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh I am so jealous of your hummers, by the time I can focus on ours they are gone, what is bee balm and is it just local to you?

Micki said...

What a great shot! I loved the hawk in flight!

Quirky said...

What a patch of heaven - I am so jealous!