I am making these slipper socks for my mother to wear at night. I can make one a night if I put my mind to it. I mean one sock a night not the pair.
I downloaded the original pattern, but it was way too small so I had to "improvise" (I do that all the
time in quilting, remember?) and make the pattern
larger. I think I have it down pat now and will make
a few pairs for her to wear at night in bed. I may even
make a few for me! They really are comfy.
I quickly dressed and managed to get a couple of shots of the kids as they went around our neigh-
bourhood marching and waving all the time laughing and following the parade!
What a sight. I wished for the days when the
grandkids were young again and doing this dress
up for hallo'ween.
I used to love that night when my children were
of the age....I used to have a large tub filled with
water, have apples there for dunking and loads of towels with
which the kids could dry their heads after the
I made lots of caramel toffee apples, which was my specialty and since we lived in a small community, everyone knew I made them. The kids had to dunk, get the apple then they could pick out the apple of their choice. I got to really laugh a lot on that night. I remember one night when one boy failed to get the apple and he said that he would be back....went home changed costume and returned to win it the right way!
I also made butter tarts, brownies to give choices
to the little ones. Ah, those days when we didn't
lock our doors and every kid was safe in our neighbourhoods....yes those were the days.
I am still not sewing as yet, but my friend who is learning to quilt has her four tops done and next week, like it or not, we are quilting. That should do it for me.
I haven't been totally useless though. I did make a spaghetti pie that I hadn't done in years and years, made a meat loaf that also hadn't been done in eons. But the best thing I made was a supperb, (if I do say so myself) fresh apple cake. I can't remember where the original came from, but mine has been kicked up a notch, so much so that it has surpassed the "cowboy bread" as the new favorite quick cake. Now that's something.
I will post the cake soon. It makes a 9 X 13 so it's big. It also freezes well. (I tried that even though the next day it was unfrozen)
I'm like a few of you who sometimes just doesn't know what to write about.. isn't that something? Me........ without words...OMG!
Goodness you have been busy. We do not get any kids dressing up out here in the country - they all go trick or treating at parties and in the town. I don't mind - kids use to stop by when our kids where young. It looks like you get a lot through your neighborhood! Yes the good old when we could leave our doors unlocked and get candy or treats unwrapped and it was safe - I wouldn't mind having some of the things back from those days!
Oh, I love to watch the children, they get so excited, and with Halloween on a Saturday, the doorbell and the dogs will be going crazy!
I also have traditions for Halloween, sounds silly but I make sloppy joes!! Kids conme and go and eat and look at candy and then go back out for more. This will be out grandson's first Halloween, I can't wait for him to come and Trick or Treat!!
I'm not buying into you not having anything to talk about LOL. I keep telling my son that we need to go get candy for the kids soon but football is on....
Say I will take that apple cake recipe. sounds yummy for the tummy. LOL
I am have a monthly giveaway on my blog so go check it out and sign up for some fun.
Apple cake? Sounds yummy. I look forward to seeing the recipe. My friend, Virginia, brought over a pumpkin roll for our bee today that was simply divine. She's supposed to give me the recipe so I can post it on my blog.
Enjoyed the stories of all your halloween goodies and the kids. I especially like the story of you Mom and her new Quilt. How Lovely
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