Monday, June 13, 2011


 What time of year is it?  It's time for flowers from my sweet neighbours.  Each year Kent has brought me bouquets of fabulous flowers that he picks from his neighbour's garden.  Isn't that special?  I'm always taking photos of the bouquets because they are truly spectacular.
 You know the socks I've been knitting when recovering from operations this past winter?  Well my granddaughter and her sweetie are the proud recipients.  The sweetie of granddaughter has asked that the next pair not contain any pink!  But I told him that strong men wear pink!  He doesn't believe me, but will wear them because they are homemade.  I love them!
And finally, we have a new truck.  We've never had a truck before.  The dog just thought it was too big and wanted to attack the wheels...ok, he lifted his leg on the tires!  It's what dogs do isn't it?  So we were coming back to the cottage so we put so much stuff in the back and lots more in the back seat.
Lots and lots of room and comfy too.  I'm pleased!

I am counting  my blessings each day as my foot heals.  I know, I know, I do go on about the stupid foot, but I truly am thankful that I am walking without pain and each morning it looks better and better.

Life is good and Bob and Mary are here for the week to make it even better.


Shay said...

Awesome new car Nanci!We would call that a ute here. That's a tradie car.

Love the socks. Real men do wear pink.

And those flowers are just gorgeous.

Every day your foot is getting better- meantime feel free to offload. Thats what blog buddies are for!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love the flowers
love the socks
love the truck :)

Jennifer said...

Beautiful flowers! Wow, you won't know yourself in that new will be so flash.

quiltingnana said...

great the flowers...and real men do wear pink, lol

Pokey said...

That's what my honey says, "It takes a real man to wear pink!" and those socks are way too cool to not be worn...!
The flowers are gorgeous! And a new truck, too, you's been blessed. I'm glad it's getting a little easier to get around, it seems like some things take so-o long to get "normal" again.

Crispy said...

Hooray for walking pain free and braging about it on your blog!!

LOVE the new truck, I wish I had one!!

Did Kent get permission to raid his neighbor's garden? LOL


Anonymous said...

Hi Nanci,
For some reason my pervious comments would not appear. Assure you that they were not censor worthy. LOVE the flowers, the socks and the truck. Well done!
Talk with you soon.
Helen (Your P.T.)