Wednesday, July 20, 2011


 I know it's summer and it's supposed to be hot!  But this is is in the high 30s, or high 90s for those that follow different readings.

With the humidity its in the 40/100 range,  that's hot.  

The dog is fully recovered from surgery and has been on the hunt at
our friends' house which has the
beautiful pond with lots of fish that
also hunt.   The pond is home to about 7 frogs and 20 fish.  It certainly makes for a peaceful coffee place in the mornings.

We were in the city for our summer family wedding.  Our niece was married last Saturday in the city.

The affair was fabulous, as was the bride of course.  It was the happiest day in the life of her father.  The mother of the bride could become a wedding planner....I swear!

I took front and back photos of the dress.  A beauty of a dress and the bride could move in it very well to dance and walk about.  Some brides are enveloped in their dresses.  Not Carlie...she changed to summer flip flops as did the bridesmaids and they had a ball.

The groom who is the step son of an old small is the world?...said that
all he had to do was buy a new suit and
show up!

 That's about all we had to do up!

As we have returned to the cottage for about ten days of company, we are resting  as we prepare...also it's too hot to do much.  

It may be too hot to sew, although my head is spinning with an idea for a quilt, so I may go to the matt!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Do you have air conditioning at the cottage? I know it is not normal for you all to have such hot temperatures so wondered because I don't think you normally need it. The whole middle section of the states plus going into Canada is hotter than normal and I hear today it will start to include the eastern section of the states as well. I guess we are in for a long hot summer.
I am sewing in the afternoon and evenings with the air on - too hot to sit outside until 9 at night!!

Jennifer said...

What a lovely wedding dress! And I don't know how I missed your previous post, but miss it I did. I love your little 'studio' and your quilts are great.

Shay said...

She looks beautiful and he looks handsome. Some people just have a knack for putting together events dont they?

If I hear one more word about how hot it is everywhere but in Australia Im going to scream...we're freezing down here!

Rosalyn Manesse said...

How lovely! Wishing much happiness to the couple.

Shirley said...

Nanci where are the outrageous hats? or is that just for English Royalty? Beautiful dress. Our English summer has completely disappeared. We have had a lot of heavy rain and it has been colder than normal for this time of the year. It looks promising today though - the sky isn't grey.

Crispy said...

I hear ya on how hot it has been. Our weather finally broke yesterday and it was wonderful, even turned the ac off. I'm sure it is heading your way now.

The dress is beautiful as are the newly weds. Wishing them a long happy life together :0)


Jocelyn said...

Wow Nanci, I am catching up on your blog, and you've had a busy summer already! What a lovely bride. And I love that they changed into flip flops ;-) Are you living in the cottage full time now??