Thank goodness I am not a movie critic. I couldn't make any money at it I am sure just because I would be torn between
giving the director a break and wanting to love the movie.
So, having said that and thinking that since it was directed by
Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings, it had to be really good, not
great but good.
Well it was sort of. The girl in the leading role is excellent as is Susan Sarandon as the grandmother giving some emotional relief to a very sad and what could have been grizzly movie. The picking of the charactors for the film were excellent, Mark Walburg being the surprise of making himself very ordinary yet strong of charactor.
Stanly Tucci who is the murderer in the film was almost totally unrecognizable...but he was bang on in being the killer.
Last night with all the girls, eating popcorn, just being happy to be together, 5 out of 6 loved it. My granddaughter Tory who has read the book twice didn't. She really was right about her choice in the morning light ...(as we critics write) because Peter Jackson had amazing computer generated effects of life between heaven and earth...that's what they were, just fillers to fill up the screen.
It's a sad movie, it's well acted, it's visually right, but it just didn't do it for me this morning when I think of it.
I wanted to like it because it was girls' night out, we were have pizza together (which was yummy) and the fudge which the girls went gaga over.
Read the book!
oh, and a ps here. I'm not doing reviews of a movie again when it has just opened. It's stressful being a critic.
You're so droll with your comment about not wanting to be the movie critic for an opening film, haha!
Well, now I still don't know if I want to see it. I shoudl probably reread the book again, it's been years. Or maybe I shouldn't, and I'll like the movie better.
I get a kick out of Mark Wahlberg - remember he was Marky Mark and had his photo taken with his pants down (from the back)??? :)
Anyway, guess who is one of my lemonade nominees??? :) Come check out the acceptance rules if you don't remember them!
thanks for the review :) I will still plan on seeing it but it won't be one I run to the movies to see but go ahead and wait for it to come on HBO or one of the other movie stations. I do not pay for a movie real often anymore - they are just so pricey. We use to go a lot - like almost every week - now it is more like once a month.
Thanks for the review, you did a great job.
Still up in the air about going to see it, don't want to watch something that will make me cry.....these hormones do that for me anyways, don't want to add to it.
I think you did a wonderful job as a critic. I would believe what you said over a "professional" any day.
Sometimes a book will not translate well on the big screen. Our minds do produce some wonderful scenery while reading a story.
My daughters went to see it. I haven't had a chance yet to hear what they thought. I must say I have been sick of the advertisement on TV for this movie. Overplay.
I like a mystery, so I might like this picture. I really loved "Up In the Air."
There were moments where youheld your breath, you laughed and you cried. I liked the book far better. As mom said, too much of the in btwn Heaven and Earth although some scenes were very beautiful...The book explored the relationships btwn the characters far greater than the movie did. There was more pain for Susie than the movie showed, as she watched her family grow and struggle with the loss of her in their lives and what she was missing out on.
Each character was played very well...so great acting.
I am very interested to read your review. I loved the book and saw the previews when I went to see The Blind Side (which is a great movie). I didn't like the previews at all. I didn't think the book was so much about the murder as about what happened after. It seemed from the preview like the movie was about the murder.
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