Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So here is my last quilt that I finished last night I really enjoyed doing this one. I tried a wavy stitch from the new machine and I don't know whether this is considered "quilting" or not but I did it anyways. Sometimes I look at these creations of mine and they are just my own, so why can't I do what I want to finish them.
There is a bit of a booboo at the finishing on the back. the fabric didn't quite meet the edge so I am going to put my patch there. Yes, I am posting my mistakes. I can't figure out how that happened because I thought I had lots of edges left over. I am not going to do that mistake again.
Yesterday we cleaned up junk from the basement and took it to the dump. Jerry, wanting to go to Port Perry dump because it is "cleaner" than the Pickering one, first drove us to Goodwill for donations, then on up to Port Perry, the scenic route because we weren't in a hurry. Well we arrived there and the sign said "Closed Mondays", so we then drove past our house to Pickering and dumped the load for $8.00, not bad at all. But we took 2hrs 15 minutes to do this and another 15 minutes of driving we would have been at the cottage in all the time it took us to drive around. We had Wilson with us, so when we arrived home, it was like we had been on a long trip. lol. We are not returning to Port Perry to dump again I can tell you.
I have not decided what my next project will be, so today I am going to try to get inspired. Yeah right, Jerry is starting to build the shelves now that we have cleaned up enough to make more mess.
It is going to be a lovely fall day, probably one of the last days of Indian summer that we will have. Nature has a way of lulling us, only to descend with storms when we least expect it.
And Kelly, I know that was you that posted on my Wilson blog, I did laugh as you did too.


~Niki~ said...

Autumn Sherbet! That's a name lol. Love your blog, and thank you for joining just us quilters! Would you kindly add my button to your site. hugs! niki in az, usa

Christine said...

Hi, nice your blog and this quilt, good idea for small rests of cotton pieces.Oh, I hope to speak right and You understand my English !
My machine is Janome 6500 -it was the machine before yours! I like it, because of the much room for quilting plaids and the automatic cutter-function.
Greatings from Germany - I live 1 hour driving car from Frankfurt

Anonymous said...

Another very nice quilt! 'Yellow Brick Road' popped into my head when I saw it.

I always make my backing 4" bigger all around because the quilting draws it in as you quilt.