Friday, March 18, 2011


 It's a compelling photo, it's horrific, it's an unbelievable event!

The people of Japan have been hit by the biggest catastrophe of our life time.  Yet...

The era we live in gives us a glimpse into what happens as it happens, therefore we saw this on live tv...

 To see the remains of a village, the loss of life, the  photo of a couple looking through the debris of what had been their home for anything to remind them of a life before last week!
 This damage to a reactor is not to be believed except that we saw it explode right before our eyes.  Even after this, the people of Japan showed what they are made of.
 Here we see rescue workers, searching for life amongst the ruins, most of them carry red flags to denote the dead in this rubble.  They also have relatives underneath the rubble, yet even after this, they carry on.
 Can we even imagine living through this?  Can we imagine where one begins after being witness to a 40ft high wave destroying all that was in  its path?  And yet here is the coping of the Japanese people.

And here is the  power of a culture.  I see this photo and weep for the enormity of grief of these people!

After it all, the people lined up in orderly fashion to enter a grocery store.  Not a one was thinking of hoarding, of not entering the queue in the right spot of not being polite to each other. 

In this store, because of rolling blackouts the cash stopped working. What did the people do?  They started putting their items back on the shelves in orderly fashion and went out to join the line ups again!

They bowed to the clerks as they left.  Not one incident of looting has been reported in this country.  Yes, the people of Japan deserve to be our favourite people this week.


Barb said...

These people are just amazing. In Amerika Samoa there was was so sad but these people are just awesome. My son said that when he flew to Japan that his Sargent told him to just leave his bag at the airport...he said you are kidding here...he said no one will bother it and you know what, no one did....amazing...honest people... This is so sad and my heart just aches for them....

Sunshine said...

Very well said, Nanci, the Japanese indeed prove once again what a stoic people they are, and they are doing a great job dealing with their crisis, both the population in general as well as the government and its disaster response teams.

Leslie said...

wow that is a compelling bunch of photos...i can not believe and can all at the same time that they are being so unbelievably polite.

Shay said...

The same thing has occured to me this week too Nanci. In amongst all the horror that these people have experienced they are still lining up, being polite ,and behaving like rational human beings. No looting, no hoarding . It's been amazing. How different to how some other countries handle disaster.

The level of destruction is hard to believe isnt it?

Thank you for making the wonderful people of Japan your favourite this week.

Marg said...

Beautifully said Nanci, I too, have noticed that the Japanese have been so polite and orderly throughout this terrible ordeal.
It is so terribly sad to see such utter devastation and destruction.

Anonymous said...

Where and how do you begin putting your life back together after experiencing such horrors? Regrettably, it isn't over yet. The issues with the reactors is another nightmare. The only concrete help that we can offer to these incredible people is to donate to relief organizations. We support Medecin Sans Frontier (Doctors Without Borders) because they are always mobilized in the worst areas setting up field hospitals to assist. We have friends who work for this NGO and they really are angels of mercy.
Helen (Your PT)

Susan In Texas said...

Hi Nanci,
I'm blog-hopping to verify the requirements for my blogoversary giveaway that you entered. I saw my blog in your blog list, but I cannot verify that you are actually a follower of my blog. Please leave me a comment or email me at if you want those additional 2 chances, otherwise you have 5 chances to win.

Susan in Texas

Mrs A said...

It has been a shocking ordeal for the people affected, and we could all learn something from these amazing people, thanks for your comment too!

Kate said...

Very well said. Thank you.

Paulette said...

Thank you for this post. It is incredible what these people have been through and have maintained their dignity and honor.

Jennifer said...

It would be understood if people went to pieces after events like those, but the Japanese people are trying to keep their lives as normal as they can be under the circumstances.

Crispy said...

It's all so sad and yet inspiring. We could learn a lot from these people.


Kirsten's Cooking said...

Very moving post, Nanci - and something I'd never thought of before.

Thanks for sharing's hoping they get some relief soon.

Rosalyn Manesse said...

It's tough, alright

Jocelyn said...

Thanks for this post. It has been such a devastating situation.

Carol E. said...

AMEN!! In a disaster, the character shows. And Japan is FULL of amazing character. I'm so impressed. And sorry.

ButtonMad said...

A stellar example and an inspiration to all mankind...such togetherness in the face of so much devastation...and it certainly puts the small things in our daily lives into perspective.