So, look at the hanging basket. Unbelievable for this time of year at our cottage. We have not had a frost and I am still watering these beauties!
This morning I saw the first junko bird. That means it will get colder. They are winter birds and the first has arrived.
Because my quilting days are over for this year, I have been knitting socks, thinking that they would be keeping some tootsies warm! Not! I am still without socks at the cottage. That tells you something about the weather at the lake.
Today, the final windows are going up in the addition to our bedroom. I will probably not post

This morning the first of the floating docks were taken to the winter bay where they will be safe from ice flows. It was a calm day so the trip was uneventful, if one can call three men singing some kind of sailor song going by at 9:30 in the morning uneventful.
Now the wind has come up and it is not safe to be on our docks. So much for calm seas. But Derek's floating dock is secure, and hopefully tomorrow most of ours will be over in the little bay too.

table setting. The wine glass (dollar store) is filled with legumes, and then a tea light was pressed down
to the brim of the legumes. Awesome result.
This is what the table looked like in final results. All for under $10.00 Canadian for a 13 place setting.
No wonder I ask that Helen and Andrea set it every year that we do something special...Thanksgiving is special!
This week, is the Junior Pan American Games in Puerto Rico. Jeremy our grandson along with his bud and team mate Evan are competing in sprint canoe. (go fast stuff) We wish them luck in their competition, but most of all wish them to have fun and enjoy the experience of meeting all other athletes.
Jeremy arrived yesterday and it did not take him long to meet locals on the streets of San Juan.
He is a very gregarious young man and loves people and he says that Spanish speaking people love him for some reason! It must be the blond hair and smiling face!