First, here is my "man bags". I don't have many manly colours. Even my black fabrics aren't manly. But the men in my life need their own little bags for their personal |"stuff".
Yesterday, being one of those perfect perfect days on the lake, quiet waves, sunshine, temperatures being about 28/82

degrees. Hot enough for a summer day!
I decided to keep being the bag lady of the family with these two bags. I had to move the sewing table out of the sunshine which was coming into the sunroom so that I could see what I was doing, it was that bright of a day.
Also, I wanted to show you the spaghetti scarf on the right which Helen made. As my private teacher, she likes some of my way out there ideas. She also took her daughter's tee shirt to give to her as a gift! How good is that idea eh?

Her daughter loves tea, so the little tea cozy is just a perfect thing to keep on your desk while you work and need your tea fix. It is cute beyone belief. Quilted of course.
Also, needless to say Helen made some awesome pot
holders. Quilted scraps and designed so that the back is not quilted. Since I broke my little Canon sureshot, I didn't carry the big camera over to her place.
The mornings on the lake are usually hazy in the autumn days as the lake is warm, the morning cool hence the foggy looks of the lake in the early morning.
We count all these days as blessings, because usually on Thanksgiving, we've had rain, blowing winds and it is cold enough to send us running to the city for the turkey feasts. This year, we wish we could stay here and that the family was here as the weather is like summer.

But, it is not to be and we are off to Whitby for my friend Mary's feast. I am making my famous (family only) pumpkin pie and the apple crisp that is easy to carry on our travel.
We seem to be rid of the bear (fingers crossed) as no one has had a sighting for ages, and the neighbours who offered restaurant fare at their fridge also haven't seen hide nor hair of the creature. Because it is bear shooting season we suspect that it may have been too close to a gun and therefore we no longer are living in the nightly fear that any little noise is the bear ripping into what ever was available.
I'm aware that we live in this animal's habitat, but he was certainly making us afraid to venture too far from safety for a while now. I may have spoken too soon though as it may have found a better food source, a place to settle for the winter to have decided to book his spring vacation on our island in 2012. I hope not, but we are ever vigilant.
On finishing this blog, I've got the radio on listening once again to the stories on Steve Jobs of Apple Inc. I am not a techie type. I have a phone to call people, I don't play games on a little thing no bigger than my playing cards. I don't spend my day texting as I prefer to talk to people. Oh, I'm getting older by the minute. But honestly other than a date calender if one is in business, to what has the world descended?
That we cannot move without these bloody devices in our hands? Have you ever been having a conversation with a person and their phone indicates a text coming in and the world stops while they read that instead of realizing that a real person is next to them.
I have a rule in my car for my grand kids. Do not, and I mean NOT, use your phone in my car. Enough said. Am I wrong? Does everyone need this 24/7 in their lives? I'm at the cottage and a land line is my source of talk. Other than my trusty computer to rant and rave of course.