Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I gifted myself this morning. I bought a new issue of Better Homes as it has become my new best favorite magazine. I still love Fons and Porter but gosh these last couple of issues of BHG just are the best.
I have so many ideas for the new year and this just helped me plan!
Courtney has the flu, and an ear infection to boot. This morning we went to the doctor's to get the diagnosis. We were treated by what is called a
Practical Nurse who has vast experience in
diagnosing patients and even issuing prescriptions.
It was a very good experience and Courtney will have to forgo her training schedule for the next few days to a week. She was more concerned about her training program being put on hold than her illness. In any event the girl is in bed, with amoxicillon and moaning and groaning as teens will do. Her mother is practicing being patient. Not a small feat for mother and daughter both. I love them both so much and can't wait till they become fast friends again instead of mother and daughter, just like Kel and I are now. They are so funny together...
Oh my it's cold today, so cold that my walk with the dog was short. It's only 14 above zero F. That's cold in any country, but here in Canada, well we talk of the weather. It's in our psychy.
I wonder what they talk about in, say, Australia. Surely it's not the weather. Must be how may bodies were roasted on the beach on Sunday would be a better topic. You know I hear it's the only country that the roasters turn over by themselves... sick joke.
See you next year
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wouldn't they make wonderful New Years Party Hats?
Well Andrea who is Helen's daughter at the cottage bought these at a charity auction.
There's actually four of them, but these two came out the best. They are handmade, really quite functional and so absolutely individual creations that we couldn't resist posing with them on one afternoon!
There are lavish feathers, silks and veils interspersed on the caps. So comfy too.
Imagine wearing something like this to an opera or some fancy outing. But who wears hats today? Hardly anyone except to an evening wedding I suppose.
Anyway, Andrea just couldn't resist these and they are now carefully stored in lovely hat boxes. So very elegant.
Well almost the New Year eh? What's the plan for the next 12 months till we do this again, for me it's just trying to do appliques in quilting. I know it's just a matter of doing the first one and then moving on. I saw some tea cups that looked interesting or maybe umbrellas put on a blue and white background. Lots of ideas. Finishing the red quilt will be a priority for sure.
Courtney my granddaughter who went to the Laurentiens to ski has been sick since getting there, she says she has an awful cold, possibly and ear infection too. So the whole gang is coming home today as I hear that there are a couple of others not feeling well too.
Kelly is awaiting the teenage patient as I write this and has drops for her ear and cold tablets for the stuffy nose.
We keep a pretty low profile for New Years Eve, usually spent with a few friends. This year we are just going across the street, to have chinese food, play cards and try to stay awake till midnight. I am such an early riser that by the time 9 pm comes around, I'm almost ready for a matter of fact hardly anyone ever calls after 9 pm as they know we go to bed early.
But I'll try this year to be up till midnight.
Happy New Year to all my family and fellow bloggers who have made me so happy visiting this past year.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Yesterday the winds were so high that it made walking quite
Saturday, December 27, 2008
There was fruits, buns, cookies, coffee and drinks. It was a feast.
Then we stopped in to visit my mother just after her lunch which is the best time to visit her as she seems to be most alert then. Jerry and she played a game of 500 and she was in her glory. For having dementia and not able to concentrate, being almost 90, she did amazingly well. She "wins" all the time of course and said to Jerry, that it wasn't so bad being beat by an old lady, who can't walk, can't talk much, and can't see either for that matter. Her macular degeneration seems to be a good one day and bad the next. A good couple of hours spent with her.
We then went to our neighbour's for dinner of the turkey and fixens as they say and had a wonderful time. Kelly came too, as her kids had gone to their dad's for the week. They packed as if they weren't coming back though, so much to take for a week in Quebec with Karen's family whom they love to visit. Hate the drive, love the visit because it does include skiing in the Laurentiens.
So here it is Saturday morning after a day of resting up, in a bit of pain from my fall on the ice yesterday. It's good that I have lots of "padding" as they say and I slipped carefully to the sidewalk so didn't do much damage except a sore shoulder today. Lucky is all I call myself now as I could have broken my wrist, which doesn't hurt even though that was sorest yesterday.
I am off to the Ultimate Quilting Shoppe in Oshawa today for their big sale. Jerry bought me a whole bunch of sewing stuff such as needles, squares, threads, markers, grids a bag from the shop which I hope to fill today as it's their annual boxing day sale of items.
My red quilt top is finished but I'm sick of sewing red and white for a while and even though I have been making a top and finishing the quilt before moving on to another, this time I think I shall lay it aside and make something else as I am bored with this very large quilt.
Today, there is so much fog that I can hardly see the school across the park. Wow and 50 degrees F, wahoo, maybe the snow will melt enough to see over the pile so I can back out of the driveway safely. Seriously, where are we going to put the stuff for the rest of the winter?
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Isn't it lovely that we remember these small memories in photos. I see the curtains in the background and remember making them.
Kelly looked like Pebbles when I topped her hair.
Yabadabadoo. So cute!
We have had soooooooooo much snow and have had to make a path for the dog to go out. Unbelievable how fast it came and how fast it cleared last night, giving us a bright sky with stars shining brightly.
Today it's cold, but there isn't a cloud in the sky and the snow is melting at the back door, which makes it hard to believe that we are going to get socked with it again tomorrow.
And I'm having a bunch of the family for brunch. If the weather isn't too bad we will try and get my mother here too. We haven't mentioned it to her as yet because of the weather and even though she has dementia, she would remember some of our plans. Martin and Jerry will be designated to go get her in the morning before 11:00 am. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she does come. If only for a couple of hours, it will be fun for her.
Quilting and blogging will be put on hold for the next week or so I think as Christmas week is going to be really busy. So with that in mind, anyone seeing this blog is wished the Merriest of Christmases as this is a year where we are all looking at what we have in our lives we should be grateful for small miracles.
Merry Christmas.
Friday, December 19, 2008

I found these little houses on a blog that is called getting stitched on the farm I think.
aren't they cute? I am not too crafty when I'm by myself, but when the grandkids want to do something at the cottage, I usually can come up with something. These are great as they use cardboard, glue and birch bark which we have lots of at the cottage.
They do look christmasy here, but put green under them and they become all year round little houses.
We are expecting a winter storm of storms so it seems. But, here in Whitby as I write this and get started for the day, it's looking just like a normal dark day without the sun. What else is new. Today I am sewing and finishing the baking for my family brunch on Sunday.
So close to Christmas and so much to do...I am off to do it.
Thursday, December 18, 2008

I took this photo because I was stressed over the dough thing and thought that since we are puppy sitting I'd walk him and Wilson to relieve the, you worked. I'm good and making pizza for tonight as a treat to us...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

I am difinitely going to make one if I ever get done the red quilt which is HUGE. I mean HUGE and I only have half of the strips together.
It's amazing in size as I have only done singles, lap quilts and such to make a queen size quilt.
I am going to work on it again today though and see how much I can finish. This may be one of those works that I go back to once in a while. It's going to be great when done, but the quilting is going to be hard.
Our snow is disappearing as I sit here blogging. My granddaughter and friend have been making a fort in the park and I am sad to say that it's just about kapoot. Going, going gone as they say and great news for those of us that don't like the snow too much. Great for walking on the sidewalks again. We are going to be in the 40s today so I am walking further.
Only a week or so before Christmas...I gotta get moving, still shopping to do.
This week in the Bridge luncheon, which should be so good as we have lots of great chefs in our little social group that plays bridge....
have a great day
Friday, December 12, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
GREAT IDEAS has the most amazing tips and ideas for whatever skills you want to apply. I can't remember how I found this site either. But it was here that I think I found that waterbottle pattern. There is so much out there on the web that something happens and I add it to a favourite and then can't remember how I got there...It's a brain thing.
Well Kel couldn't stand it, she put her tree up in the family room and is starting to do her Christmas decorating. She always gets into it and I love what she does, but can't do the decorating thing because I am a bit claustraphobic and eventually all that "stuff" just starts to crowd in on me. But we do have a couple of wreaths for the door and a huge tree which we are planning to put up this year. When we looked at the tree through the eyes of the camera we thought the lights were wonkie and laughed because in the room the tree looks amazing. Her little kiddies that she minds just loved it.
Wow the sun is shining today and I am going for a walk while it's out there. So so many days without sunshine here in Whitby that it's really depressing me. I need the sunshine to keep me sharp and cheery. I tell my bridge group that I practice being "sharp" and after the laughter dies down they continue to let me play.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I can't even remember how I came across this site, but she has some really neat ideas and patterns.

There is a mail bag pattern on her site and it is very very cool and looks really easy to make. She also quilts and does other sewing stuff that is really neat.
Take a look .
Green quilt is finished except for the binding which I will hand sew tonight as I watch Judge John Deed on BBCC, love the show and never miss this British drama.
Speaking of drama, our goverment is doing such stupid acts in this time of needing to act like adults, that it makes me wish for a snap election just to give someone a good kick for trying to overthrow a duly elected goverment just 6 weeks ago! Grown men can be such buttheads as my grandkids say.
Bridge day, I always look forward to seeing the gang and having and afternoon of cards, socializing and just plain "feeling the love".
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This is the final photo of the cottage work boat yesterday. The boats are all out of the water and the bays are freezing, snow has fallen, winter has arrived at our little place on earth where we dream of being each day.
Now the snowmobiles will be reving up their engines and getting ready for snow trails.
Me? I am quilting up a storm. I have almost finished a top which I'll post tomorrow as today is bridge day. Going to lunch with Dawn, we are celebrating being alive!
The new top is a lot of blue and green making it more boy friendly which is what I was hoping for as all my quilts are very "girly". It is simple 4 1/2" squares, and went together so fast that I was almost finished before 4 pm yesterday. I haven't figured out the sashing yet, so my little stash of fabrics may not do the trick. I may have to shop which is my least favorite part of quilting. I know that sounds strange, but I shop for a quilt, make it and move one, I don't know how I'll aquire a "stash".
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
This little pink quilt has found a home! It is going to my niece Eve. She is having her room painted today in pink so this will be perfect for her room.
Her dad dropped in last night and mentioned that she was getting a room makeover and so, this quilt is gone.
It's hard parting with quilts as I am learning. Each one is a work of many many hours and the thoughts and love that go into each one doesn't hit you till you pass it on to someone else to hopefully love it like you do. Anyway, it's gone. I am putting a label on it for her. She is 3yrs this coming March...perfect for her.
This morning I was awake early thinking of how to make the label for it and with the new embroidery stitches I have on the new sewing machine, I'll have some fun with the design. I only hope I have enough pink thread to do the label.
I went over to "maryquilts" and noted that she was up really early and had a couple of comments to her blog by other early risers. She does such beautiful work on her longarm and so many charity quilts that I visit her often to note her generosity.
Another cold day here in Ontario. Did I mention that I hate the winter? Well not all of it but the really chilly damp that we sometimes get. Jerry is actually thinking of putting up a few Christmas decorations! I can't believe it. He is getting the spirit! Isn't it too early yet? I have seen a half dozen houses in this area that have their Christmas trees up....good lord, it's November.
It reminds me of my sister in law telling the story of when her boys were young, Jamie not older than 9 I think and she came home and they had put up the tree in November. They just couldn't wait till Christmas. Ah, those days are gone for our grandkids now who are almost all teenagers and beyond.....
Friday, November 21, 2008
I finished the quilt. It turned out so well and the new machine which is the 6600, Janome is everything that it is supposed to be. I stippled it and it really looks good.
The quilt which had the errors in my measuring the 9 patch finished up looking quite different and it is very "square" at about 60" . I felt like I was in a "zone" doing this quilt and I suppose after 10 months of quilting....using that word loosely....I finally finished one that looks like it is supposed to.
We went to Kelly's today and the bedroom project is coming along well, with Jerry getting instructions to not be too "perfect" and he is going to make Courtney's shelves for her cupboard. I was amazed at how neat her drawers were. Perfectly folded sweaters, tshirts, pants, socks folded etc. I tell you she could give the army lessons in folding. Unbelievable for a 16 yr old!
So tomorrow I will plan another quilt...hopefully I can find some fabrics on sale and be inspired.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Well, I finished the top of this quilt. I didn't do the sashing the same at each side as I don't want it to be square. So I did 5 1/2 on the sides and 3 1/2 on the top or visa versa which ever I decide looks best.
Now, of course if I could learn to read directions the blocks would be 3 1/2" nine patch and I wouldn't have had to mess around with the yellow to make the squares 9" square. So frustrating, otherwise it would have taken me a day to cut and at least start to put this together instead of looking at it and hitting myself up the side of the head for being stupid. But fortunately it's fabric and I could fix it. I do love it though and Jerry says he really really likes it.
Now I must decide to finish it stippling or in the ditch to quilt it. I really think it calls for the stippling...oh joy, just what I have been practicing for the past week.
Since I played bridge yesterday, doing my best not to be too disruptive to the people who have put up with me over the past 10 years of playing with that group, and forgetting so much over the summer that I should be in lessons, I think I will read up on bridge bidding and see if I do better there than reading quilting directions.
We have had our first snow of the season...the dog loves it, the kids love it and I am staying indoors and looking out till it melts.
Yesterday we had the warning that it would snow, so I shopped for food and decided that we should hybernate for a couple of days till this stuff disappears.
We will probably go to Kelly's to take photos and see what she and I can do to enhance Jerry's life once again by having him do some woodworking for us and making him follow our directions for Courtney's room without his going nuts! We want to keep it simple and "No Jerry, you aren't supposed to look at the floor" sort of thing because the first thing he will say is that it looks like it should be finished. Not going to happen..right Kel?
I can't believe how many people have commented to this blog. I am so happy to have a few of my fellow bloggers commenting. It really completes my day.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
2 1/2 is not 3 1/2.
Another lesson learned "Read twice, cut once" I think will be my new motto.
My shelves will be finished today. The units are up, but not completed as Jerry will put the remaining shelves up where I want them. It looks brighter already with the white shelves there.
We didn't do much yesterday as we watched the final Nascar race which didn't change the results of the champ, but we found the race exciting.
I went to Fabricland with a 50% off coupon and their quilting fabrics were just plain boring, so I gave the coupon to another customer for her use. She was pleased, not a quilter but had bought a lot of fabric and didn't have the mail coupon. I did my good deed. There was a lot of 40% off fabrics, so my couplon wasn't good for that anyway. I am going to Ajax today and will see what that Fabricland has. It's got to be better than Whitby.
Today will be a day to walk the dog, yesterday was so damp that I played stupid and ignored him, but gotta do it today even though it is going to be cold and damp again. But then it is November.
We went to see our granddaughter off to Florida for her training camp in kayaking. Lucky girl and being a teenager, even though I said to watch the weight of her stuff, she was a bit overweight by 3 kilos. The airline charges $10.00 per kilo, so she lightened her load by carrying on. She's gone for 2 weeks...and looks like she will have good weather.
Friday, November 14, 2008
This quilt is also in the new Better Homes magazine and I just love the photo, the quilt is one that would look great at the cottage.
I use duvets there for most of the beds, but if it was adults weekend and I had this for the bunkie then this would look fabulous on the bed.
It doesn't look hard to do, but it is large and quilting it would certainly be a challenge on the sewing machine. This is the photo of the bed now so I hope to do one for this place. the "new bunkie" as it is called doesn't have the character of the old one...later posting....and I have put the quilts that I have made so far in there which is adding some decorating elements.
Yesterday I did 5 nine patch squares. It was hard to do to make them the same for the quilt in progress.
It was raining and when the rain let up, I surfaced and took the dog for a long walk. Even though I do suffer from arthritis a bit and the weather being so damp, once on the road we walked for 40 minutes. No mean feat for this body.
Today was supposed to be raining again but right now the sun is shining and it looks like an early spring day not the fall. There is a 50% off sale at Goodwill, and thinking of the sale I wanted to rise and shine and go see the fabrics and sheets they have at the sale price, but am holding back . There will be another sale.
I know that most quilters use 100% cotton for quilting but for the backing I have used sheets and therefore save money on the quilts because the batting is so expensive.
Jerry has 3 shelves made and has requested pizza, homemade for tonight, so if he gets the other 2 done, he will have his pizza. I am so tough.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I couldn't believe that these were at Walmart just down the street. Under $10.00 for the pkg. I love dotted fabric anyway. So I am doing a quilt with some of the bundles .
I have a hard time doing anything more "boyish" but this one won't have pink in it. I'm going to get it tested by Kelly to see if it is suitable for a young boy nephew.
I also made my first 9 patch which is part of the quilt. It is again an easy pattern and since I had my sewing lesson at the Oshawa Sewing Centre I am hoping that I can stipple this properly. I am cutting out 12" squares to practice daily no matter what.
I bought a Better Homes and Garden quilt magazine yesterday and lucked out on some of the fat quarters at Walmart. They aren't carrying any more yard goods, but if the fat quarters above are any indication, I'm going back.
Yesterday was bridge day, so I didn't post. I went to the dermatologist in the am who said that I had a small cancerous spot on my shoulder, but not to worry too much about it as it is the kind that doesn't spread, move or otherwise, however it must be removed. I am making appt with plastic surgeon and if it takes as long as an ortopedic appt. well I won't hold my breath. The Orthopedic doctor for a bunion that I want removed will take a year before I get it done. Well I've waited this long and since I don't want to wear heels anyway, it won't be so bad. Thank god for Crocs.
I have about 5 pairs of different styles and the sandals are soooo comfy.
Wow, I managed to get a second photo in this blog. I am so pleased. Blogging is hard work. I try something different all the time and mostly have to go back and correct everything cause I can't read directions.
Anyway, this is my first 9 patch that I have ever made it is to go with the Fabric from Walmart, of which 5 of the patches come from the 5 quarter bundles that I bought. I had to take it apart already, to put the stripes in the middle.
I have 18 of these to do and am very pleased that the first one actually was square. Yeah, I have a hard time keeping things square. My friend Helen who is a hand quilter will be pleased with me as she has been trying to get me to do 9 patch for ages. I am liking this a lot.
These are the photos from the mag. We shall see if the quilt comes close to this when I finish it.
Lots of photos here and not all of them where I want them, but close enough. Whew!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Today is Remembrance Day. this is the only wartime photo that I have on my computer.
the photo is of my mother in the white dress, my aunt Ernie on the right of both photos, and my Uncle Roland and his then wife Alice who was from England.
They took this photo in Montreal. My father was overseas at the time. My mother has many good memories of the war as a young woman growing up in this time. She lived in Montreal, had a good job and said it was a time when people were quite fatalistic because of what was happening in Europe.
My father, had not met anyone in the family before he was shipped overseas as they had eloped, so one night during an air raid in London, my dad having had too much to drink called the MPs to come and get him and his buddy out of a shelter. Low and behold, who appeared but my Uncle Roland and with the look of him being 6ft 3", and a french canadian accent, my dad asked him if he was a "Martin" and he said yes, and my dad said "Well I am your new brother in law." True story of how they met.
My Aunt Ernie went to work in Montreal for Bell and was an overseas operator as she was fully bilingual and one of the first of her kind. She never forgot how you had to behave being a bell operator and an overseas one at that. She was always very proud of her duty in those times.
My uncle, and my mother are both elderly in their late 80s and still can talk of those years of the war as being so exciting, because they were young and carefree.
My mother who learned so much about fashion living in Montreal, so for the rest of her life she has always dressed so well, and loved shopping for clothes. She said that she bought a mink coat during the war for $400.00 and when she and my Aunt Pat went home to visit my Grandmother, she would wear the coat to church. My mother said she literally wore that coat out.
So today, at the ceremony at 11 am, we remember them all.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008

This is a print that I see each day. It reminds me of my granddaughters just walking the beach.
The painter is Joaquin Sorolla y Batista of Spain and this painting was done around 1908, and I bought this print about 25 yrs ago for $10.00. It cost much more to have it framed and has remained one of my favorites after all these years.
My sewing room is all cleaned up, but the weather has been so good that I haven't started my next quilt which will be a variation of 9 patch which my friend Helen says makes a really interesting quilt when adding different elements.
I will have to go to the quilt shop to see what I can find to suit me as it has lots of bright colours with black and white 9 patch. A fons and porter design which I seem to gravitate to when seeking patterns.
The good weather is coming to an end probably by Saturday, so I shall be in shoes and socks again. Oh I don't like the thought of winter and all that goes with it.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What a Day
I have tried to make my blog look more to my liking, but since I am not very literate when it comes to the computer, being almost self-taught I have a hard time making the headings, and blogs I follow, the colours and putting it all together. I am sure others have a hard time making their blogs individual too.
I went to the dentist to discuss a bridge, implant or leave alone small tooth area that was removed last year. I just didn't like the $3,000.00 figure for the implant, and almost the same for a bridge that my dentist said would cost, so I asked for a second opinion from my oral surgeon dentist where I have teeth cleaned, and he said if it didn't bother me to leave it alone for a while and see how I am next year, well that is better because the economy isn't exactly up these days and investments aren't doing well as everyone knows.
I took my Janome circa 1990 or thereabouts to get a facelift and it will be returned on Tuesday. I asked after 10 yrs for the needle threader to be replaced. My eyes just aren't what they used to be and I have been placing a piece of white paper behind the needle and praying that I was able to thread the bloody thing in the first 20 tries. I have even removed the needle, inserted one of those threaders through the needle, put the needle back in the machine. Talk about being cheap.
The quilt shoppe where I bought the Janome 6600 has great fabrics, but so expensive compared to Fabricland. The price with my discount is about $10.00 per metre. I have some fabric in my stash, but not enough to make some more "male" type of quilts.
I wish there were lots of fabric stores here in Canada, but it is very limited. I may use online buying.
Obama is going to be president of the US. What an historical event. I remember when John Kennedy was elected the first catholic president. That was also an historical event.
As I said earlier.....what a day.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Wilson the Wonder Dog
Sunday, November 2, 2008

This photo was taken of a granddaughter, Courtney and her friend Doug doing crazy dives at the cottage 2 weeks before we closed in mid October.
The water was about 60 degrees, which is really cold and they jumped in and out for ages doing this kind of stuff. I took this with a telephoto lense from the deck.
These two along with Jeremy also water-skied most of the day. They did wear wet suits for skiing because the breeze at 22 mph was kind of cool.
Ah the young, they feel nothing but joy and doing wild stuff.
Today, the change of time "fall back" I am going to wake up at 5:45 for ages until my body clock gets used to it and then we will return to daylight saving time. I wish it stayed daylight saving all year round. So for the next few weeks I shall be up so early that even the birds won't be up.
Today, being sunday, we are going to go to the basement and work on the new area for my sewing area such as it will be. Jerry is not going to get fancy with this. I just want to be able to put my fabric etc on some shelves to keep the area neat. I am sick of the bins and they are always so messy looking.
Friday, October 31, 2008
This is where I do all my hand sewing in the summer. On the deck at the cottage. It is always peaceful there and swarming with the hummingbirds that I feed from 4 feeders. Although I must say with the weather this summer being so wet and all, my little hummers were a bit scarce compared to other years.
This sitting place is where all our gang and guests love to sit in the morning have coffee, eat cereal and play cottage game of "Madd" which is a variation of Sorry I think but with more agressive moves. This is the place and we can all enjoy the magnificent views from this deck.
Now that winter is coming, with this place being on an island, we have left it for nature to do its thing for the winter. The water drops about 4 ft, and the winds will howl, and the winter birds take over. We could hear wolves howling the week before we left. It was very eerie but we were blessed to hear them. There is no one there now, all the cottagers have closed their cottages for the winter, and as the water slowly rises again, the ice will come and with it winter.